Winter Storytime – a magical moment for all chidlren, especially those that live on in our older souls

  After accepting the invitation from the city to participate in this year’s Christmas Market seasonal festivities, Melissa ( cours violon | EVOL’UT | Ecole Strasbourg) and I began our work to create a moment of wintertime stories and music to bring to the stage in the Advent Village – Petite France, Strasbourg. After working on a selection of pieces for violin, Mélissa  came up with a bunch of melodies, all of which enhanced mood and atmosphere. We met over at La boite musicale rehearsal space and began what turned out to be a beautiful journey of creating together, mixing voice, movement, music, silence and of course, stories.

Rehearsals were fun and I loved discovering what  we soon began to carve and sculpt together. The stories took on a deeper dimension and meaning with the violin accompaniement, and I let myself be guided by their melodies, and swept away, once again by the power of stories.

We performed twice – once to a bunch of young school children who became wrapped up in the performance from the moment we stepped on stage – and  later to an audience mainly of adults, who seemed just as enchanted as the kiddos had been. Mélissa was unable to perform for the third performance last week, so I prepared a solo performance as storyteller alone on stage with my books and precious objects which help bring the stories I choose to life. I loved every minute of the opportunity to perform to so many children and adults, all looking for a moment of escape into the sparkle and magical worlds of a few simple stories.





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